Article 30 Records vs RoPA vs Asset Register vs Data Map Does it matter what you call it? Oh heck, yes. I mean, was Boba Fett in Star Trek? Article…
‘I need the Article 30 Records please’ If you believe some surveys, that request is a walk in the park for most organisations, given reported compliance with GDPR. We don’t…
7 Key Brexit Impacts With the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement struck on 24 December 2020 (‘TCA‘), in this Guide we’ve updated what Brexit means to your Privacy Program. Download…
Brexit & the EU Representative What you need to know and do now! Join us for a Coffee Break in Privacy Kitchen as we interview Tim Bell, Founder & MD…
Welcome back to Part Two of ‘Coronavirus and Employee Health Data’! If you haven’t read Part One, just head over there now and come back after. You can also watch…
Privacy issues of coronavirus and returning to work is a big topic, whether you’re a pub, a small office, you’re in the public sector or an international enterprise. While there…
If someone says to you: ‘OK, we’ll get you GDPR compliant, we need to start you off with 27001‘ or they say ‘ISO 27001 is the standard for, or the…
How prepared are you for the inevitable personal data breach? Did you know that good preparation can double your chances of not having a breach at all? Cisco’s excellent 2020…
Can you recognise a personal data breach under GDPR? Well, you need to be able to, because GDPR introduced obligations on every business, as controllers, to record all personal data…
So, what is a transfer under GDPR? Well, we’ll answer that – and deal with Brexit – and set out the 5 Key Facts you need to know about ‘What…