Brexit and the EU (& UK) Representative

What you need to know and do now!

Brexit & the EU Representative

What you need to know and do now!

Join us for a Coffee Break in Privacy Kitchen as we interview Tim Bell, Founder & MD of DataRep, in the final days of 2020 about this very topical topic!

  • If you’re a UK entity – 2.5m enterprises in the UK need to consider if they need an EU Representative under EU GDPR after Brexit ‘finally means Brexit’
  • If you’re an EU entity – 25m enterprises in the EEA need to consider if they need a UK Representative under UK’s own GDPR, cleverly called the ‘UK GDPR’
  • If you’re neither – however many millions of enterprises outside the UK and EEA need to revisit this decision as you may now need a 2nd Representative…

Find out:

  • Who needs an EU Representative and what do they do?
  • Why they’re different to DPOs
  • Brexit & the UK Representative
  • And tons of great examples!

Don’t forget to read our 7 Key Brexit Impacts, which includes Representatives.  And why not book your demo now and see how Keepabl can save you time, cost and stress on your Privacy Framework!



The EDPB Guidelines on Territoriality

The UK ICO on EU Representatives

The UK ICO on UK Representatives


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