Back in pre-pandemic days, external DPOs and consultants understandably focused on using their own spreadsheets with their clients. Privacy Management Software was in its infancy and the main tools available were expensive and complex. That’s all changed!
DPOs and consultants know that automation is key, especially in a world of increased remote working.
Your clients use SaaS for Finance, Sales, Marketing, Security – in all areas of the business – and will look to you for SaaS recommendations to turbocharge their Privacy Governance. This then means you can focus on high impact projects instead of pushing a rock up a hill.
Is the Privacy Management SaaS you’re using a bit complicated? Or maybe you’re where most organisations are right now, still managing Privacy in Spreadsheets.
We talk to organisations every day who are struggling to keep on top of their GDPR and broader Privacy Framework, and are looking for the “HubSpot of Privacy”. Well, you’ve found it!
Keepabl’s Privacy Management Solution is simple and intuitive, empowering users with tools to manage everything in one place, with instant reports and without added complexity. Let’s face it, getting to grips with Privacy is hard enough as it is.
You can see in our customer case studies how Keepabl brings efficiency and simplicity to operational Privacy.
It’s not just about bringing everything together in one place – which is a huge win for sure. Collaboration with clients, and within clients, is so much easier. You can manage more clients more easily. And you and your clients will benefit from Keepabl’s instant reports and insights.
Rather than dreading those monthly Board reports and periodic audits, instead you and your clients can now look forward to showcasing their Privacy Compliance.
You know how hard it is to manage multiple clients through spreadsheets. Moving to Keepabl means you not only save your clients time and stress, and drive efficiency for your clients but you save yourself time and stress.
Switch between clients within the same solution, have a single pane of glass view for each client and be able to dive into detail. With Keepabl doing the heavy lifting, you’ll be able to focus on higher value activities, manage more clients more easily – or just have more breathing space for yourself!