Syndi chooses Keepabl for GDPR Compliance

Fast growing health-tech company meets highest data privacy standards and maintains patients’ trust with Keepabl

Syndi is a fast growing health-tech company, based in London, and funded by the renowned Entrepreneur First accelerator programme.  Syndi works with patients’ health data, performing clinical trials to prove the efficacy of medical products, and are moving to integrate directly into NHS services.

Syndi takes a Privacy by Design and by Default approach, to ensure they respect the trust of patients through correct handling, communication and due diligence of personal data.

Co-Founder & CTO Jorge Alexander needed a way to manage and maintain compliance efficiently without sacrificing Syndi’s commitment to best-practice data protection.  ‘With Keepabl we were instantly able to implement our GDPR framework‘ notes Jorge.

With Keepabl, Syndi were instantly able to curate a base set of privacy policies, covering their needs and giving them a racing start. ‘Once we had our base policy pack in place,’ says Jorge, ‘Keepabl’s data activity management platform provided us with a go to place to manage what personal data was flowing through the company, and ensure that it was being managed correctly.’

Good governance has impacts across any business and all its stakeholders, as Jorge confirms: ‘Now, when investors ask, we’re able to quickly provide them with automatically generated reports such as the Article 30 records, saving us precious time during critical moments of fundraising.  And on an ongoing basis, reviewing the Keepabl KPIs and reports means, at Syndi, we feel confident that we are maintaining the highest safety standards when it comes to data privacy management.

See more in the full Syndi Health Case Study!  And find out how Keepabl makes your Privacy compliance super simple by booking your demo now!

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