Milestones Trust chooses Keepabl for automated Privacy Management

Milestones Trust, a fantastic UK-based charity with a long history of providing care to vulnerable people, have chosen Keepabl’s Privacy Management tool to get the full benefits of SaaS automation and usability.
Keepabl and Milestones Trust

Milestones Trust has spent the past 37 years providing a wide range of services to adults with complex behavioural needs, mental health conditions, and learning disabilities.

Making sure the individuals they support are protected, in every aspect, is at the heart of what Milestones Trust does. Given the sensitivity of the data they handle, Privacy Compliance is a key element of the charity’s operation.

The Trust already had a great Privacy framework in place, but it was lacking the seamless, easy to use, automation of a SaaS solution.  


Automating Privacy

Sophie Reed, the Information Governance Manager and DPO, recognised a need for change and discovered Keepabl at one of the (awesome) Privacy Space events. She trialled Keepabl before signing up and seeing rapid results:

We had a great Privacy Framework in place already, but it wasn’t very automated. I discovered Keepabl at the Privacy Space event and was so impressed by what it had to offer and how easy to navigate it was.

We needed a secure platform to automate and bring efficiencies. Keepabl ticks all the boxes.

You can tell the product is built by people who know Privacy and really care for their customers.

Learn more by reading the full Milestones Trust Case Study


Gain these benefits for your organisation

Why not streamline, automate and accelerate Privacy Compliance for your charity or business? Speak to our friendly team, we’re really passionate about Privacy and we get a buzz out of making Privacy management easy, efficient and rewarding for all our customers.

Request your Keepabl demo now!



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