Robert Baugh shortlisted in PICCASO Europe Awards 2023

We're delighted to announce that our CEO, after winning Privacy Champion 2022, is again shortlisted for the expanded PICCASO Europe Awards - for Privacy Writer / Author 2023
PICCASO Europe Awards 2023 Privacy Writer_Author Robert Baugh Keepabl

After last year’s awesome honour of being named Privacy Champion 2022 at the inaugural PICCASO Awards, with the former Information Commissioner and other luminaries on the judging panel, we’re excited that Robert Baugh, our CEO, has been shortlisted at this year’s expanded PICCASO Europe 2023.


UK’s gone all Europe!

The PICCASO Awards team don’t stand still. After an incredible launch with a star-filled judging panel and glitzy awards dinner last year, this year the PICCASO Awards have rapidly grown into the PICCASO Europe Awards.

And with an expanded reach, the awards have an expanded, and if possible even more prestigious, judging panel, including Isabelle Vereecken is head of Secretariat of the European Data Protection Board.

With this expanded remit, being a finalist this year means even more to us. As the organisers note:

The PICCASO Privacy Awards Europe recognise the people making an outstanding contribution to this dynamic and fast-growing sector—from the professionals ensuring their companies meet increasingly complex legal demands to the academics and engineers pushing privacy thought leadership and innovative protections forward. 16 award categories will honour both organisations and individuals that are shaping the present and future of privacy and data protection.


Privacy Author / Writer

Last year’s award recognised Robert’s drive and enthusiasm to help organisations operationalise Privacy and protect our rights as individuals, from founding Keepabl’s award-winning Privacy Management Software, one of the leading GDPR tools available, to his work on training, helping break down this complex area.

This year’s shortlisting is focussed on Robert’s work as an author and writer on Privacy, from articles on Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence on practical takeaways from Meta’s €1.2bn fine from Ireland’s DPC to his work as creator, writer and presenter on the leading YouTube channel on all things Privacy [YouTube cookies and privacy policy apply] – Privacy Kitchen.


Privacy Kitchen

Started in lockdown with a mobile phone in his kitchen, our popular – and free – YouTube channel on all things Privacy rocketed through 4,000 subscribers and is already up another 10% having delivered nearly 180,000 views and 13,000 hours of watched, accessible, and practical Privacy training.

We do it for the love of Privacy and to share our experience to help those operationalising this complex area, but the comments on the channel and the messages we receive make it all the more worthwhile, such as ‘These videos are a lifesaver!‘ and how often it helps people studying for the IAPP CIPP/E exams.

Keep on watching and do subscribe! Lots more videos on the way 😀

And best of luck to all finalists at the awards dinner on 8 November!



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