MSP Legend Richard Tubb reviews Keepabl

Richard Tubb dons his MSP hat & puts Keepabl's Compliance SaaS to the test

We’re very proud to announce that Richard Tubb, the face of the UK MSP industry, is now an adviser to Keepabl!

As you will know if you’re a managed service provider (MSP), Richard is very well-known and highly respected in the Channel both in the UK and worldwide.   Having previously built up and sold his own MSP, Richard now provides expert advice to help MSPs and other IT service providers grow their IT business and is a highly sought-after speaker delivering keynotes at MSP and technology events around the world on all aspects of the business owner’s life.  Richard works with the owners of IT businesses to help them ‘free up their time, concentrate on doing what is important and making more money’ – which every business owner wants to do!

Richard is also renowned as incredibly generous with his time and expertise and you can see more about Richard and view his valuable webinars, blogs and other resources on  He’s also a Tribal Elder at the Tech Tribe, do check it out!

Richard recently donned his MSP hat to interview our Founder & CEO, Robert Baugh, and to put Keepabl to the test.  You can read his review and see the recording here, including why Richard sees Keepabl as so MSP-friendly, how he believes GDPR has created a huge selling opportunity for MSPs and how GDPR services fits with the future of the MSP as Richard sees it.  We must say, we here at Keepabl agree wholeheartedly!

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