Keepabl's Global Rights Management Solution

No need to fight for your rights! Our award-winning Privacy Management Software's much-requested solution makes life a whole lot easier for anyone dealing with Rights management for their business.
Rights Dashboard

We understand the importance of managing individuals’ Rights – or data subject rights (DSRs) under GDPR.

Compliance with individuals’ Rights minimises Privacy risks both to individuals and organisations, increases trust and confidence in your company, and can help you avoid costly fines.

In case you missed it, we wrote a backgrounder on Rights, including some recent enforcement actions.


Manage Global Rights in Keepabl

With all of that in mind, we’re thrilled to announce our amazing new global Rights solution. We’ve been collaborating with customers and experienced consultants to ensure our Rights module brings value and success to your management of this critical part of Privacy Governance while honouring our commitment to a simple, intuitive user experience.

And as always, our Rights module is fully integrated into the whole Keepabl solution and, if you’re an existing customer, this feature comes at no extra cost.

Let’s dive RIGHT in…


Engaging, Visual Dashboard

Rights Dashboard

The image is just a small part of your instant Rights Dashboard. From our ‘Roadmapper’ research and review of international surveys and laws, our Rights Dashboard has been specifically designed to give you crystal clear insights, covering the items you need to manage Rights properly and to report best practice to the board.

  • Instant reporting with all the KPIs on Rights that you need to monitor and manage this key ongoing aspect of your Privacy Governance.
  • Clarity over how many Rights you receive, how efficiently you handle them, where they come from, what type you receive more than others, and much more.
  • Share a valuable, visual PDF of the your Rights dashboard. Perfect to present to senior management and the board, easily demonstrating accountability.


Manage and Automate

Rights Log

Just like in Activities and Breaches, you get an instant and automatic Rights Log: searchable, sortable, and downloadable.

Not only this but, just like My Tasks, we’ve also introduced a ‘My Rights’ dashboard so that your individual team members can see Rights that are assigned to them.

My Rights


Tailored to your needs

Make our Rights module work for you! In Rights Settings, you control:

  • Default Jurisdiction – We pre-populate your Rights Records with your default jurisdiction which you can change for each Right received as you need.
  • Set Available Rights – Select the Rights that you want to make available for your Users to manage in Keepabl.
  • Create Alerts – Choose multiple users to receive instant email alerts when a new Right is entered into Keepabl.
  • Set Initial Assignee’s and Approvers – Select a default Assignee to manage all new Rights and a default Approver. Simple workflow management to manage new Rights and farm them out to your team as you process them.

alerts and assignees


Easily intake new Rights

You can enter Rights into Keepabl in two ways:

  1. enter Rights directly into the Solution.
  2. create as many online Forms as you need for your various audiences with our Form Builder.


Create Forms in Form Builder

Simply drag and drop to create as many fully-customised Forms as you like to intake Rights. Each one specifically tailored to your target audience. 

  • Have a Form for your public-facing Privacy Policy on your website.
  • Another for your Customer Support and Ops colleagues who receive submission.
  • Another for a simple complaints Form.
  • Have a Form tailored for your processors to alert you to Rights they receive but you need to action.
  • And as many more as you like, different languages, different settings…

Rights Form

Preview each Form to make sure it looks just right for your target audience. Each also has its own unique URL, which you can use behind a button or link on your intranet or website, so that people can easily submit Rights straight into your Keepabl account.

Once a Form is submitted, you’ve an immutable PDF copy which you can access at any time to resolve any later dispute as to what was submitted.


Not a Keepabl User yet? Let’s RIGHT that wrong! 

… Sorry about the pun. We don’t win awards for writing puns, but we do win awards for our Privacy Management Software.

So why not ditch the Excel Spreadsheet and request a Keepabl demo today to see how easy Rights management can be.




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