Halloween Scare Alert: Excel Nightmare on Privacy Street

Many are still using Excel to manage Privacy. If a sheet knocks on your door and asks trick or treat, treat them to the calm and joy of Keepabl's award-winning Privacy Management Software!
Excel nightmare for GDPR

SCARE ALERT! This Halloween, we’re aware that many are still using Excel to manage Privacy. Now, we love Excel and you can upload and download Excel in Keepabl, but there’s a time and a place and there’s a reason people use SaaS for every recurring business process from Sales to HR, Accounting to Product, and (more and more) Security and Privacy.

And with the UK ICO’s Accountability Framework now in Keepabl, you can manage your compliance against the regulator’s gold-standard benchmark in your favourite Privacy Management Software!

UK ICO Accountability Framework in Keepabl


From Sheet to SaaS

Sure, you can start off in Excel but you’ll want to transition to SaaS to enjoy all the typical benefits, such as…


Collaboration & Single Source of Truth

There’s no version control issue in SaaS. No ‘I made a copy of your Excel and put my changes in‘ nightmare.

You can give tailored access on a deny-by-default, least privilege access, role-based access (pick your favourite Security term) basis so users only see or edit what you want them to see or edit, and no more.

Collaborate on the same platform from anywhere in the world, at any time, with anyone you want. And Audit Logs mean, if you ever need to, you know who did what, when, and what changed.



We’ve already mentioned least privilege access.

There’s controls on password strength on the way in.

There’s Two Factor Authentication (2FA) which defeats the vast majority of password attacks.

And there’s Single Sign-On with the leading Identity Providers.

As part of our Security by Design and by Default, we benchmark ourselves against the OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Risks, we’re independently pen tested every year, and independently certified to Cyber Essentials Plus every year. You can read more about our leading SaaS Security.


Real Insights & ROI

We help you with:

  • Operations – the nitty gritty of any compliance program
  • Insights – visual, simple reports and KPIs to satisfy the Board, auditors, investors, customers, partners and – heaven forbid – regulators!
  • Culture – training and awareness from the basics of GDPR to the intricacies of email marketing rules

Cisco reports that 94% of organisations report Privacy metrics to the Board. Don’t be in the 6%…

Cisco 94 report to board on privacy 2022


And that over two thirds of organisations experience significant or very significant benefits in 6 areas every business should want to lead on. And this isn’t just a bit of a benefit, these are significant or very significant benefits. Don’t you want these for your organisation?

Cisco 6 significant benefits from Privacy


And that leads to a solid ROI on Privacy investment:

ROI on Privacy Cisco 2022


Saving Time, Money & Stress

We’re all doing so much in every day, every hour. We all wear multiple hats. In fact, Cisco state that, in 90% of cases, Privacy is looked after by IT, Security, Ops or Compliance. Professionals in their own right, but not in Privacy.

As David Clarke, a leading UK Security & Privacy Consultant notes:

‘Keepabl’s holistic solution really accelerates compliance activities and I believe will save my clients 50-70% of their ongoing Privacy compliance over the next 3 years.’

And as Alison Jackson from MML Capital notes:

‘With Keepabl’s solution, the team can now easily manage ongoing compliance across 3 countries, with everything in one place. Keepabl’s Dashboard helpfully visualises our GDPR KPIs. We can give stakeholders tailored access, and we can work more efficiently with our external advisers. All this saves me lots of time – and stress!

And as Anna Trickey from Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, UK & Europe notes:

‘We’re delighted to have a solution that has such a positive effect on how we work and meet ongoing GDPR compliance across countries.’


Hear it from Practitioners

We’ve a wonderful Privacy Kitchen video with the excellent Chris Roberts, from Cybata, and David Wylie, from Compliance Clarity, on this very topic of moving from Spreadsheet to SaaS.

Hear from the trenches about why you need to automate your Privacy.

Sheet to SaaS Privacy Management Software

Watch this ‘Bigger Bite’ video and get superb practical tips and tricks on our Privacy Kitchen channel [YouTube cookie and privacy policies apply]: here.


Get your Demo

Contact us to get your own no-obligation demo of Keapabl’s award-winning Privacy Management Software. See for yourself why we keep winning innovation awards and customer testimonials for our laser focus on making your job easier!



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