Keepabl’s brand-new Assessments module makes managing assessments a whole lot easier!
We’ve spent more than a year ‘roadmapping’ this solution and over 3 months handing over from Product to Engineering, all to ensure we really hit the ‘Job to be Done‘ and stay true to our Why of ‘Joyfully using tech to solve people’s headaches and make them feel happier‘.
The module is now live, with the module itself, integrated with your Data Map and the rest of your Keepabl account, with all its functionality, new roles and two LIA templates.
We’re delighted you can now also carry out your Assessments in Keepabl! As with all our releases, we’ve put the hard yards into discussions with practitioners from all industries, and organisation sizes, to establish the job to be done and the pain points they’re facing on Assessments. I believe you’ll find this new solution as targeted, usable and intuitive as the rest of Keepabl.
Assessments has launched with Phase 1, including the module, all its functionality and benefits, including template LIAs.
Assessments follows the same structure as our popular Rights and Breaches modules, so it’s already very familiar to our customers. And we’ve added some exciting new roles and structure.
Phase 2 will bring in DPIAs and is scheduled to launch in March 2025, Phase 3 brings our Assessments Template Builder and will arrive in April 2025. We’ll be bringing forward lots of templates and other benefits along the way!
In Keepabl, everything’s connected. For example, when you populate your RoPA you get instant KPIs, reports, risk map, and Third Parties.
With Assessments, you can link Activities from your RoPA to your Assessment to pull across and pre-populate the relevant information. And all signed Assessment PDFs are automatically stored in the File Library, attached to those Activities, and available across the Keepabl solution.
One common pain point when managing Assessments, is ensuring your preferred Assessments are used, and no others – sounds simple but incredibly hard in practice!
With Keepabl you choose which Templates go live and are available to your Users, and you can turn them on and off easily.
Other huge pain points out there include how hard it is to switch Templates for the same Assessment over time without disrupting existing assessments and reporting structure going forward.
The solution? Keepabl’s Parent-Child ‘folder’ structure!
When an Assessment’s status is changed to For Signature, all Signatories receive an email with a link to the Assessment to decide whether to sign or not. We also freeze that Assessment, so that all Signatories are looking at the same thing.
The Assessment is only unfrozen, so the Assignee can keep working on it, if the Assignee takes it back to In Progress, or a Signatory declines to sign.
Practical. Works the way you work.
Collaborating on Assessments can be tough if you’re using the wrong tools. As the person managing an Assessment, you may want to work with a number of different people from different departments.
With our new Assessments module, we’ve made it as simple as possible for our users to collaborate. We’ve introduced two new roles: Contributors and Signatories.
Say you’re the Marketing Manager carrying out an Assessment and you want colleagues from IT or Legal to contribute to your Assessment.
In practice, everyone wants a signature on your assessments. In Keepabl, you can easily allocate multiple Signatories to a record, with our own auditable, digital signing process.
Even our pricing is simple and intuitive.
Up till now, we’ve been able to include everything in unlimited subscriptions. Assessments is our first release with separate pricing, which can be seen on our transparent Pricing page.
We’ve given all of our valued customers a FREE TRIAL until 31st May 2025, to test out and experience the awesome benefits.
Do reach out to the friendly Keepabl team if you’d like to learn more.
Arrange your personal demo to see how easy we can make managing Assessments for your organisation.
Get your demo two-week, no strings attached, free-trial of Keepabl today!
And don’t just take our word for it… See how much our customers love us in our customer case studies!
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