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We’re very grateful to Copenhagen Business School for the opportunity to share this excellent interview by their Associate Professor, Pedro Telles, for CBS’s students. Join us as Pedro asks our Founder & CEO, Robert Baugh, about:
As long-time collaborators on the practical and operational impacts of startup and data protection law, Pedro expertly guides the conversation to foreground the impacts on business of this ground-breaking law.
As GDPR continues to inspire statutes around the world, this is a great summary of what the world was like pre-GDPR, the impact and reach of GDPR, and how businesses can address their own compliance.
‘I need the Article 30 Records please’ If you believe some surveys, that request is a walk in the park for most organisations, given reported compliance with GDPR. We don’t…
The GDPR only passed on 25 May 2018 and the Dutch DPA is now checking to see if businesses are complying with one of the most fundamental ongoing requirements: maintaining…