How MSPs can compete with Free

Find out in our CEO's guest blog on CompTIA's unconference, Bristol, June 2019

CompTIA’s unconference session, CompTIA UK Community meetup, Bristol, June 2019.

The ‘unconference’ session is always a highlight of CompTIA Community meetups, and Bristol 2019 was no different.  So much great discussion on recognition of value, proving value, competing with ‘free’, customers’ expectations of free, and the future of the MSP.

Our CEO, Robert Baugh, always attends the unconference session and this time has written a guest blog for CompTIA (respecting the Chatham House non-attribution rules!) as the discussion really resonated.  You can read the blog here.

You may have seen that Keepabl was a Finalist for Innovative Vendor of the Year at the CompTIA UK Spotlight Awards – we didn’t win this time round but we’re delighted with the Channel recognition and give our big congratulations to METCloud and all the other winners – a great awards evening!

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