Tag Archive: Brexit

7 Key Brexit Impacts

7 Key Brexit Impacts With the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement struck on 24 December 2020 (‘TCA‘), in this Guide we’ve updated what Brexit means to your Privacy Program. Download…

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Privacy Kitchen
Your Personal Data Inventory: Top Tips & Brexit Impact

Your Personal Data Inventory: Top Tips & Brexit Impact How do you really feel about your Data Map? Hmm. In that case, watch Privacy Kitchen’s Bigger Bite on this cornerstone…

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Privacy Kitchen
Brexit and the EU (& UK) Representative

Brexit & the EU Representative What you need to know and do now! Join us for a Coffee Break in Privacy Kitchen as we interview Tim Bell, Founder & MD…

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Privacy Kitchen
4 Reasons UK won't abandon GDPR after Brexit

Are you wondering – or even hoping – that Brexit means the UK will abandon GDPR and relax its Data Protection laws?  We don’t think so, and in the time…

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Privacy Kitchen
Top 4 Brexit Impacts on your GRPR Program

In Part 1 of our series on Brexit, we saw that Brexit definitely did not kill GDPR.  In fact, it split GDPR into two: the UK GDPR and the EU…

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Privacy Kitchen
Did Brexit kill GDPR?

If you’re hoping Brexit means you could forget about GDPR, we’re sorry to disappoint you.  You may well have to comply with two almost identical, but slightly different GDPRs.  And…

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Google USA takes control

Google’s recently announced that – due to Brexit – it’s changing data controller for UK users from Google Ireland to Google USA.  This has led to some alarmist reporting.  What’s…

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News & Awards
Brexit Withdrawal Agreement Published

The EU Withdrawal Agreement has been released and essentially allows for status quo on data protection until 31 December 2020 (Arts 70, 71, 126). The Outline of the political declaration,…

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CLOUDs form over key data flows

The enormous – and enormously valuable – flow of personal data from the European Economic Area to the world’s largest economy, the USA, is again at existential risk.  This alone…

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