Our Founder & CEO, Robert Baugh, was delighted to be part of Password Protected: The Door to Digital Life, a very lively and expert panel on Passwords as part of the FTT Focus series from FinTECHTalents, on 16 March 2021.
Sponsored by Lastpass, the leading password manager and 2FA solution, the panel benefitted from a great deal of expertise across Security, Financial Services, Design and Privacy, and took on the thorny topic of passwords, brought into stark relief by the sudden move to remote working last year. As FinTECHTalents note:
‘It is often said that we would never leave our front doors unlocked, but we effectively do just that in today’s digital world. The shift to remote working has increased the amount of business critical data and essential services that reside online. These are far too often left vulnerable due to weak and duplicated passwords. Humans, it turns are not good at remembering dozens of strong passwords and are susceptible to social engineering attacks.
Organisations are often stuck between seemingly opposing goals: How to reduce the risk of data breaches, with their inherent operating and reputational costs without increasing the friction to users work through the enterprise implementation of a modern password policy? How can enterprises best protect themselves, their data, and their end users identities while removing friction from accessing essential services necessary to the business?’
The discussion, under the Chatham House Rule, was very open and fast-flowing, with an actively involved audience, covering for example:
Lastpass shared their Psychology of Passwords report – crammed full of excellent ammunition to help you get the message across to your colleagues – or convince you to use these excellent Security solutions in your home life, which is very entwined with work at present!
Regardless of the solution you decide is best for you, we strongly recommend that you implement a password manager and 2FA at home and at work. And change your home wifi password!
Update September 2022 There have been various other decisions from EU regulators since we wrote the blog below – all holding Google Analytics in the form reviewed was illegal under…
Imagine the scene. You’re presenting at the Board meeting. You’re been thrown Privacy at your organisation. Or maybe you’re their new Privacy consultant. And the Board asks you: ‘So. How…