Tag Archive: DPA

Image with LIA DPIA TIA FRIA on a Roadsign in pop art
What is a DPIA, LIA, TIA, FRIA?

All non-product images created using deepai.org Assessment Acronyms! Long ago, in the mist of the 90s, the Privacy Impact Assessment or PIA was born. Since then, GDPR brought in the DPIA and…

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Google analytics dashboard
Blog News & Awards Privacy Kitchen
Is Google Analytics Illegal in the UK and EU?

Update September 2022 There have been various other decisions from EU regulators since we wrote the blog below – all holding Google Analytics in the form reviewed was illegal under…

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The postman always delivers - but shouldn't repurpose data

Trick question: is it legal for a national postal service to guess your political opinions from what they know about you, such as age and address, and sell that data…

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GDPR compliance checks under way?

The GDPR only passed on 25 May 2018 and the Dutch DPA is now checking to see if businesses are complying with one of the most fundamental ongoing requirements: maintaining…

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