Rise above Privacy Stress!

Rise above Privacy Stress no tagline


We had a great Privacy Framework in place already, but it wasn’t very automated. I discovered Keepabl at the Privacy Space event and was so impressed by what it had to offer and how easy to navigate it was.

We needed a secure platform to automate and bring efficiencies. Keepabl ticks all the boxes.

You can tell the product is built by people who know Privacy and really care for their customers.


Keepabl sped up the project, letting me focus more on high impact components with my client.

I believe Keepabl will reduce my client’s ongoing Privacy compliance costs by 50-70% over the next 3 years, by reducing: time spent by internal staff, need for external skills, and delay & related opportunity costs responding to stakeholder requests.


Our industry’s all about usability, so we appreciate Keepabl’s gamification and visualisation of GDPR. Signing up was simple and onboarding was fast. Keepabl’s solution has helped us optimise our Privacy Governance and made it much easier for us to maintain our ongoing compliance.


We use Keepabl to show our compliance to senior management and investors, it’s all easy to see on one pane of glass. We have our yearly audit coming up soon, and we’re looking forward to using Keepabl for that, too.


We’re delighted to have a solution that has such a positive effect on how we work and meet ongoing GDPR compliance across countries