We’re delighted to announce that Keepabl has been awarded a place as a supplier on G-Cloud 12! We were on G-Cloud 11 and we’re delighted to maintain our presence on G-Cloud 12.
Any public sector organisation, including agencies and arm’s length bodies, can buy our Privacy Management SaaS through the Digital Marketplace. Being in G-Cloud 12 makes the procurement process fast and simple.
G-Cloud 12 is the 12th iteration of the UK Government’s ‘G-Cloud’ procurement framework for cloud software and services, run by the Crown Commercial Service. A framework is an agreement between government and suppliers. Buying services through frameworks is faster and cheaper than entering into individual procurement contracts.
As a named supplier, Keepabl’s Privacy Management SaaS can be bought easily through the Digital Marketplace.
The Digital Marketplace is an online service for public sector organisations to find people and technology, such as Keepabl and our Privacy SaaS, for digital projects. Any public sector organisation, including agencies and arm’s length bodies, can buy using the Digital Marketplace.
G-Cloud separates goods and serviecs into three buckets or ‘lots’. We’re in Lot 2: ‘ Cloud Services’.
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2018/19, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits worth £945m – supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.
CCS is an Executive Agency of the Cabinet Office, supporting the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. To find out more about CCS, visit: www.crowncommercial.gov.uk. Follow CCS on Twitter: @gov_procurement and on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/2827044.
We’re delighted that our free channel on YouTube covering all things Privacy has shot past 5,000 subscribers! You can see videos on everything from controller v processor, transfers, DPOs, 10…
We love the RISK series of expos dealing with Privacy, Security and AI risk. RISK London in October last year was a blast and we’re back again this October, so…