Keepabl Founder shortlisted twice for PICCASO Awards 2022

Robert Baugh, Keepabl's Founder & CEO, is shortlisted for Privacy Champion and for Privacy Executive of the Year at the inaugural PICCASO awards, to be announced in London on 8 December
Robert Baugh Shortlisted Privacy Champion PICASSO 2022

We’re very excited to announce that our Founder & CEO, Robert Baugh, has been shortlisted in two categories at the inaugural PICCASO Awards to be announced in London on 8 December: Privacy Champion and Privacy Executive of the Year.

What makes it extra special is that Robert joins Keepabl on the shortlists: Keepabl is itself shortlisted for Best Innovative Privacy project.

We’ve booked a table and look forward to seeing many of our Privacy colleagues there for what promises to be an excellent evening – whoever wins!


The PICCASO Awards

2022 sees the first PICCASO Awards – standing for Privacy, InfoSec, Culture, Change, Awareness, Societal, and Organisation.

As the organisers note:

The PICCASO Privacy Awards will recognise the people making an outstanding contribution to this dynamic and fast-growing sector—from the professionals ensuring their companies meet increasingly complex legal demands to the academics and engineers pushing privacy thought leadership and innovative protections forward. Fifteen awards categories will honour both organisations and individuals that are shaping the present and future of privacy and data protection.

And the PICCASO Awards ‘will celebrate and help establish a movement in our nascent privacy industry, opening up conversations about why a privacy culture should be at the heart of your privacy compliance & strategy, and how a culture of privacy can be embedded into organisations across the globe.

These are lofty ambitions – and very welcome ones – and the quality of the team and the judges behind the PICCASO Awards strongly suggest they’ll succeed.


The Judges

These aren’t just any awards – not only are they free to enter, no ‘pay to play’ here, but the quality of the judges and the team behind PICCASO make the shortlisting mean so much more.

Judges include Elizabeth Denham CBE, the former UK Information Commissioner, and Joe Jones, Deputy Director, International Data Transfers at the DCMS.


The Shortlists

A look at the shortlists shows why it’s so special to be on any of the shortlists. We’re super proud that Robert and Keepabl are on three, and with such company!

The categories are well chosen, reflecting the ambitions of the PICCASO Special Interests Group and bringing a big chunk of the broad church that is Privacy into one place. Speaking of which …


The Event

We’ll find out who won in which category on 8 December. We’re as excited to hear the keynote by our current UK Information Commissioner, John Edwards, and to talk to others in the field – there’ll be no shortage of conversation!

So stay tuned, good luck to all those shortlisted, and thank you to the PICCASO team!



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