Keepabl obtains Cyber Essentials Plus

Keepabl's Security independently certified under UK Gov Scheme

We’re delighted to announce that Keepabl’s Security practices have been independently certified under Cyber Essentials Plus!

Security’s in our DNA

Security is one of GDPR’s 7 Principles and is fundamental to Data Protection – you simply can’t have Data Protection without Security.

And as Security & Data Protection are in our DNA, we’ve always had best practices from the start.  So we’re delighted to announce independent verification of our Security practices, by achieving Cyber Essentials Plus!

What is Cyber Essentials?

Cyber Essentials, is a UK Government scheme that aims to help organisations implement basic levels of protection against cyber attack, demonstrating to their customers that they take CyberSecurity seriously.  The scheme is available at two levels:

  • Cyber Essentials – an independently verified self assessment.  Organisations assess themselves against five basic security controls and a qualified assessor verifies the information provided.
  • Cyber Essentials PLUS – a higher level of assurance.  A qualified and independent assessor examines the same five controls, testing that they work in practice by simulating basic hacking and phishing attacks.  This is the top level of the standard and is what we’ve just been independently certified against.

We’ve posted before about the low take-up of Security certifications, such as:

  • ISO 27001 with a tiny 0.04% average take-up in the EEA 30 in 2018, and
  • Cyber Essentials, with a higher but still not mass-market take-up of 1.1% take-up in the UK in 2019.

But make no mistake, we’re more than 100% supportive of these certifications – and indeed anything that supports organisations adopting good Security Governance, including good Security practices and continual improvement.

We encourage the 98.9% of UK Ltd that doesn’t have Cyber Essentials to go for it!


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