So many customers and consultants told us they wanted the UK ICO’s Accountability Framework in Keepabl that, under government licence, we’ve gone and done it!
Benefit from the coveted safe harbour of using the UK Data Protection Authority’s official GDPR Framework plus all the benefits of integration into your favourite Privacy Management Software.
We’ve included all the official wording from the UK ICO’s detailed, Excel version of the Framework. So you get the exact same wording for the ICO’s 10 Categories, 77 Expectations and 338 Questions. You can rest assured you’re using the exact same text as in the ICO’s Excel, it’s all there.
But it’s so much easier in SaaS!
The ICO’s Excel has a very useful Dashboard with 3 KPIs on your answers and 3 on tasks (which ICO calls ‘actions’). As well as the ICO’s KPIs on your answers we’ve added our own Scores by Keepabl. So you’ve the best of both worlds!
Both are downloadable as CSV, Excel and a colourful PDF that make a great board report, particularly combined with your overall Keepabl Dashboard.
Still use the ICO’s official text but enjoy all the SaaS benefits you expect.
Download your Scores by Keepabl and ICO Dashboard as PDFs for your regular board reports, and use Keepabl’s own, integrated Tasks with tailored individual dashboards, instant email alerts and more!
Upload proof. Add comments. See audit logs of any changes. Grant least privilege, role-based access. Download the lot as CSV or Excel for deeper dives.
The UK ICO is the UK’s data protection authority, famed for its very practical approach to guidance and helping organisations continually improve. Their Accountability Framework is their gold-standard benchmark against GDPR. And because it was created when the UK and EU GDPRs were almost identical, it works for EU GDPR too, making it popular outside the UK.
So when you’re looking for a framework, or benchmark, whether you’re looking after Privacy at your organisation or a consultant advising a client, using the ICO’s Framework gives you – and your organisation – a safe harbour that you’ve chosen an official, gold-standard benchmark.
The ICO gives you 3 ways to interact with the Framework: detailed guidance on its website, an online self-assessment, and an Excel version called the Accountability Tracker with 338 questions – you can see some in this image. We’ve a great Privacy Kitchen video on the Accountability Framework, calling out 5 Pros and 5 Cons – a great video to watch if you’re new to the Framework.
It’s the Excel most people mean when they talk about the Framework as it has the detail, you can save your answers and come back to them, and it has a good dashboard. But it’s Excel and – while you can download and upload Excel in Keepabl – Excel has its shortcomings.
It really is so much better in SaaS.