Updated Third Parties, Assessments and a look ahead!

Keepabl’s mission to continually bring intuitive value to our wonderful customers continues in 2025 with our clear, updated Third Parties module, our exciting new Assessments module landing on Valentines Day and much more!

Happy New Year! We trust your 2025 is already off to an excellent start. We’ve a very exciting 2025 in store for all of our Keepabl customers, friends and supporters.

We’re starting our year strong with Third Parties replacing our Entities and Vendors, as well as sharing what we’ve got planned for the year on our Product Roadmap, starting with Assessments!


Entities + Vendors = Third Parties

We had two separate modules for anyone other than your Organisation: Entities and Vendors, and Vendors was a subset of Entities. We had feedback that this wasn’t always clear, and as we’re bringing out Third Party Assessments in Q2, we’ve combined both existing modules into one module: Third Parties.


Clearer All Round

A Third Party is anyone other than your Organisation. Simple as that. 

The new Third Party module is a one-stop-shop to report on any such business, whether that’s a joint controller, processor, stranger or group member. We no longer use the terms ‘Vendor’ or ‘Entity’ in the Keepabl app. Both are renamed to Third Party and Third Parties.

As with any product update in Keepabl, the changes are already live in our customers system, with no action required. All of the previous Vendors and Entities have migrated over, and all User permissions have carried over to the new structure.


Integrated Solution

As you complete your RoPA and identify your Third Parties, we do lots of intelligent linking and heavy lifting to make managing all your ongoing obligations as simple as possible:

  • They appear instantly in your Third Party registers and analysis, automatically linking each Third Party with their particular role on particular Activities.
  • You can instantly search for their involvement in Activity Analysis, both as processors and as sources of personal data, seeing which data you get from them and where you use them.
  • And you can simply select them across the app, for example to flag them in Breaches. Your Breach Log will instantly show them and link to their analysis.


Instant Transparency

Keepabl’s Third Party module instantly draws out all the Third Parties in your RoPA, with role-specific reports so you can always answer key Privacy obligations quickly.

Instant transparency. Searchable. Downloadable. Filterable – is that a word?

You need to know which Third Parties are in your Data Map, in each and every role, so you can maintain good Privacy Governance. With Keepabl’s Third Party Registers, you can drill down by category of role or by individual entity to see where they appear and what they do.

  • You need to know your Joint Controllers so you can put in place your written arrangements. Your Processors, so you know who you’re mostly sharing data with. And your Sub-Processors, so you can show customers you know and manage your compliant Privacy Supply Chain.
  • And because there’s always a place for Excel (we love Excel) you can download a lovely Excel with separate registers for each role – including those with no role so you can check why they’re even in your system!


Keepabl’s Solution Growth

We’re super proud of our many product releases over the last couple of years and thought it’d be great to give a quick summary of some things you may have missed:

  • International Data Map Reporting – Get your Privacy reporting cut and sliced for the Privacy regimes that apply to your Activities. For example, if you’ve Activities subject to a couple of regimes, you can see your Transfer Register for each. 
  • Copy Data Map functionality – This is one for groups. We can easily copy a RoPA from one organisation to another (we often give groups a dummy organisation to use to develop their own default activities by tailoring Keepabl’s for their particular business).
  • Freedom of Information requests – You can now manage FOI requests in our Rights module, so you can create a custom-branded form to intake FOI requests, get instant alerts, manage them in the solution and see them in reporting. 
  • Dutch Language – Geweldig! Dutch joins English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Choose the default language for your organisation. Users can select their own language. 
  • File and Attachment Management – We brought in Attachments to Breaches and Rights and introduced support for sharing links so you can link to documents in your SharePoint, GDrive or any shared drive instead of uploading them into Keepabl (or do both!).
  • Beautiful PDFs of Records – Beautiful PDFs of Activities, Rights and Breaches  (as well as your dashboards, which you’ve always had).
  • Form Builder for Breaches – Easily intake suspected Breaches with a customised Form you can put on your intranet behind a button or link so your colleagues can report suspected breaches straight into Keepabl with an immutable PDF of the form fill, and instant email alerts so you can meet strict deadlines on notification.  
  • Notes and Audit Logs Everywhere! – Why dig around in an Audit Log module (which you also have) for a particular Breach or Right? Just go to that Breach or Right and look at the Audit Logs right there, the ones you’re interested in. And leave timestamped Notes on specific Records that no-one else can alter.
  • Global Rights Module – Manage any Data Subject Right, Individual Right or Consumer Right with customisable forms to intake Rights from your Privacy Policy (such as ‘… to exercise your rights email us at privacy@… or use this form’), your intranet (such as a button on the Customer Success team’s intranet). Instant alerts, immutable PDFs of form fills, instant Rights Log and personalised dashboards.
  • The Launch of Languages – French, German, Italian, Spanish, all human translated, join English. Choose the default language for your organisation. Users can select their own languages.
  • Security – 2FA, SSO approved integration with Microsoft, OneLogin, Okta, expanded Audit Logs, deny-by-default and role-based access, login alerts and so much more!


Assessments are coming!



Our fantastic new Assessments module is in QA and will be launching through Q1 and Q2 2025. We’ll be releasing the module in phases with the first release expected on Valentines Day.

Valentines Day will see the launch of the module with exciting new benefits of Contributors and Signatories, and starts with template LIAs. We’ll shortly follow that with TIAs and AI in Phase 2, Phase 3 will see DPIAs including Risk, rounded off by Phase 4 with Third Parties and the Template Builder.

Our valued customers will get free access to Assessments for a trial period. We’ll be in contact with more details on that shortly.





Once Assessments is out we’ll turn our attention to the Asset Register and building Enterprise Risk into the solution.

Stay tuned for more exciting product updates on the horizon! 


Start Your 2025 Right With Keepabl!

See how much our customers love us in our customer case studies!

We’d love to talk to you about our award-winning, Privacy out of the box solution. Please get in touch to arrange your personal demo to see how easy we make creating and maintaining your RoPA, automate intake of Rights and suspected Breaches using our super-simple customisable Forms, and instant reporting including Transfer registers for any jurisdiction, instant Rights Log, Breach Log, Article 30 Records, Risk Map, our unique and awesome Activity Analysis, and much, much more!

Get your demo and two weeks, no strings attached, free-trial of Keepabl today!



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